"They stuffed your husband in my head, looking for details he knew before he was killed."
Every now and then a unique movie comes along. It’s the kind
with a terrific ensemble cast, one that contains not just a series of great
actors but a whole variation of different actors from various genres and ages
in the hopes of amalgamating them in the hope of making a great movie, but
ultimately the film itself turns out to be less than stellar. Other films that
fall into this unique category include ‘Nine’ (Daniel Day Lewis, Nicole Kidman,
Judi Dench and Marion Cotillard) ‘Be Cool’ (Uma Therman, Harvey Keitel, Danny
De Vito and Dwayne Johnson) and ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’ (Tom Hanks, Morgan
Freeman, Bruce Willis and F Murray Abraham). ‘Criminal’ also fits into the category.
A sadistic criminal (Kevin Costner) undergoes a memory transplant
with a secret agent (Ryan Reynolds) in order to extract information that he
held. Not only does the criminal have to avoid the legions of perpetrators
coming after him for this information but he also has to deal with the clash of
personalities from the other man’s mind.
A few things to clear up before I actually start reviewing
this film. Firstly, bear in mind that as well as Costner and Reynolds the cast
also includes Tommy Lee Jones, Alice Eve, Gary Oldman and Gal Gadot. Secondly
you may be looking at that plot and thinking “that sounds a bit like ‘Face-Off’
a film in which John Travolta plays a determined police officer and has plastic
surgery to assume the identity of a dangerous psychopath, Nicholas Cage (I’d
say a dangerous psychopath played by Nicholas Cage but at this
point I’m not really sure). You would probably be right for thinking that, but
imagine that instead of the gleefully over the top performances and the beyond extravagant
direction of John Woo you had a bland and forgettable…..thriller (I guess)?
Lastly, any fans of Karl Pilkington may remember that on one
of his podcasts with Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant he recounted a story in
which two film producers asked him to create a concept for a film. His pitch
was Rebecca De Mornay playing the widow of Clive Warren (I assume he meant
Clive Owen?) and undergoes half of a brain transplant to fuse their personalities
only for their respective personas to clash and engage in a battle for
dominance of her body. To all intents and purposes and I can only assume that
was the influence for ‘Criminal’, and it’s even more ridiculous than Karl
Pilkington’s film.

The only person who is on top form here is Gal Gadot, in a
film that is only slightly worse than her other appearance of 2016. To be fair
though when I say top form I can only assume that because I haven’t really seen
Gadot do anything else. She looked impressive in that other movie but there was
so little to her character that she herself never shined (I hope you know what
I’m referring to). As for Oldman, Jones and Reynolds, once again they’re fine
but uninteresting.
Maybe there was potential for ‘Criminal’ to be fun action movie,
nothing deep or complex, just an hour and a half of mindless entertainment. But
the film takes itself so seriously and maintains such a sombre and uninspired
tone throughout that it ultimately becomes very difficult to find any kind of entertainment
value from it. The plot unfolds in such a convoluted way that eventually I
couldn’t find a reason to care, none of the characters interested me, the
direction itself was just so bland and uninspired with no style of its own and
all I could do was try to think about how much more fun I would be having if I
was watching ‘Face-Off’ instead.
For all its faults, ‘Criminal’ is above all else, simply
Result: 3/10
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