"What will you do when they catch you, what will you do when they break you. If you continue to fight, what will you become?"
Less just over four months after the release of the last ‘Star
Wars’ film and mere days after its Blu-Ray release we are treated to a new
teaser trailer for the next instalment of the franchise. It’s a pretty great
time to be alive isn’t it? Unless you hate ‘Star Wars’ but in which case why
are you reading this anyway?
During one of his many interviews concerning his appointment
to direct the first ‘Star Wars’ anthology movie, Gareth Edwards discussed the
production teams he had hired to shoot the movie, teams that had worked on
films like ‘Saving Private Ryan’ and ‘Black Hawk Down’. The interviewer stated
that the production of this film seemed to closely resemble a war movie, wo
which Edwards replied “Well it’s ‘Star Wars
isn’t it?”.
That is the exact vibe I get from this teaser, ‘Rogue One’
instantly resembles a war movie. Not because of mass violence or bloodshed (that
obviously won’t be found in the movie) but because it captured what is
frequently referred to as the soldier’s perspective. Ground level action,
oriented around a chaotic environment using mostly hand held cameras. I mean
just look at that second to last shot alone as Rebel soldiers run frantically across
an unknown beach, blaster fire on all sides, bodies flying through the air, the
looming AT-AT walkers right ahead of them. It feels like something out of ‘Saving
Private Ryan’, saturated in the elements of ‘Star Wars’.

In fact this whole trailer made the film look as if it will aesthetically
resemble the 1977 movie even more so than ‘The Force Awakens’ did (which makes
sense as this film takes place much closer to the era in which ‘A New Hope’ was
set). The scenery is so incredibly detailed and so perfectly fits in with the
world that was first established nearly forty years ago. I particularly enjoyed
the use of the Death Star’s siren as a metronome, a constant
reminder of what lies at stake and the ever present danger in this world. The
fact that this trailer contains no Jedi, no force and no Lightsabres indicates
that this may be a departure from the mystical side of ‘Star Wars’, a more
brutal affair than what we are used to. Which is frankly brilliant s it’s
basically the purpose of these anthology films, to provide opportunities to
tell stories that may not feel right as an official Episode but can still be
set against the backdrop of this universe.

But even without that factor I still don’t care because she
just seems like a highly interesting character. Whereas Rey came from humble
origins Jyn appears to be more of a loose cannon and somewhat morally
ambiguous. Then at the end we see her in Imperial armour, so what does that
mean? Is it part of her infiltration of the Empire of behalf of the Rebel
Alliance or does she actually end up betraying our group of heroes? It’s fun to
be able to speculate again isn’t it?