I am a big admirer of Oliver Stone, especially with his work
as a director. But at the same time I will also state without any sense of
guilt that I think it’s been a good twenty years since he made his last great
movie. He started out with writing the screenplay for Brian De Palma’s
directorial masterpiece ‘Scarface’ and then leapt into the public consciousness
with his harrowing portrayal of war in ‘Platoon’ and then followed that with
classics like ‘Wall Street’, ‘Talk Radio’, ‘Born on the Fourth of July’, ‘Natural
Born Killers’ and finally ‘Nixon’ in 1995.
But since his biopic of old Tricky Dicky, Stone has drifted
into not what I would brand as terrible films, but very substandard ones. In
fact even that seems harsh because they are not substandard on a technical
level, but more on a thematic level. Since ‘Nixon’ I’ve found that none of his
films have carried a message as bold or as biting as his previous work. ‘World
Trade Centre’, ‘Alexander’ or ‘W’ only reaffirm what we already know about
their subjects as opposed to actually challenging us. Whether it be through the
most grim portrayal of war ever put to film in ‘Platoon’, the biting
evisceration of the mass media in ‘Natural Born Killers’ and as for ‘JFK’... it
would be easier to list the parts of the film that didn’t attract controversy.
So when you break down the essential elements of what you
would hope a film about Edward Snowden film would reflect, conspiracy,
character studies and social commentary, then you look back at Stone’s
filmography it is tough to think of a director more suited to possibly telling
this story the way it should be told. Stone never seeks to recreate a 100%
accurate account of historical events (if you want that I can recommend the
documentary ‘CITIZENFOUR’), what he has always done with his best films is try
to reflect the tone of these events in the most effective way.
I’m only saying all of this because I want everyone to know
just how excited I am for this film and also why trying to use historical
accuracy as an argument against it is virtually irrelevant. But onto the actual
trailer itself, because it looks fantastic. It looks suspenseful, thrilling and
morally ambiguous, setting the tone of the movie perfectly. In fact the trailer
itself starts making you question to what extent you may be under surveillance right

Within those two and a half minutes we appear to catch a
short preview of what could be some stunning sequences of prolonged suspense,
one of the most striking was Snowden sneaking the data out of the complex by
hiding it in a Rubik’s Cube. In the actual film the scene could prove to be
masterful, I hope. Once again that sense of paranoia comes into play again at
the end of the trailer as Stone somehow makes a ringing telephone seem
immeasurably menacing. Most of all this trailer makes the film feel like an
Oliver Stone film, and when I say that I mean a real Oliver Stone film.
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