"I don't know why you came, I don't know anything about you. All I know is I like it now you're here."
Certain novels can take upon more social relevance as they
age, or even be reinterpreted under differing climates to form new kinds of
meaning. This means that when it comes to adapting those novels, a filmmaker is
presented with an opportunity to refine the narrative in the wake of a modern
social context. They can focus on the elements that have become more relevant
or present them in a way that bestows new meaning upon them. Given that ‘My
Cousin Rachel’ was also adapted into a film back in 1952, it should be
interesting to see how this interpretation unfolds.
Philip (Sam Clafin) is a young Englishman who finds his
cousin Ambrose dead after traveling to Florence, Italy. He vows revenge against
Ambrose's missing wife Rachel (Rachel Weisz), blaming her for his untimely
demise. When Philip meets Rachel for the first time, his mood suddenly changes
as he finds himself falling for her seductive charm and beauty. As his
obsession for her grows, Rachel now hatches a scheme to win back her late
husband's estate from the unsuspecting Philip.
Sometimes a film can subvert audience expectations through
morphing into an entirely different genre to what we initially thought it would
be. Though this can leave initial disappointment there is nothing inherently
wrong with doing this, providing that it’s done well. ‘My Cousin Rachel’ begins
as a mystery drama but then changes into a sort of gothic romance. As I said,
done well this can be a brilliant tool of storytelling, but in the case of ‘My
Cousin Rachel’, that isn’t really the case. The movie feels like two different
narratives and tonal levels that are constantly at war with one another. Rather
than weave these conflicting aspects of the movie together it feels more like
each element is being put on hold once the movie remembers that it has a whole
other sub-plot to tie together.
The result of all of this is that the scenes of the movie
rarely progress in a structure that feels natural to the movie’s narrative. It
feels contrived and artificial as the film progresses, and what made it all the
worse was that neither aspect felt fully served. It felt like two half completed
scripts, one of which at least started interestingly enough but soon fell
through in the wake of a rather generic romance story. Having not read the book
(I know, uncultured moron) I can’t speak as to how accurate this is to the
book, but even if it is there are ways in which a director can work around
The first is to ensure that there is a sense of tonal consistently
that runs throughout the movie, but ‘My Cousin Rachel’ does not possess that,
failing to tie the different elements of the movie together in a way that feels
fulfilling. The other is to place your emphasis on elements that feel integral
to both, but so much of Roger Michell’s direction feels placed upon conveying
one kind of movie until he has to pause those aspects to focus on something
entirely different. There’s no gradual progression to this tonal shift, no hint
of what’s to come. It just comes across as one narrative beats being developed
for a section of the film only to be stopped dead whenever the script requires
Not only does the development and structure of the movie as
a whole feel underdeveloped, but so do the characters. There is little to draw
us into the plight of these people and rather that focus in on what drives or
motivates them, the movie maintains a cold distance that hinders any potential
investment. Out viewpoint into the movie is Philip, but he is portrayed in such
broad strokes both by the writing and by Sam Clafin’s performance that he never
comes across as an interesting character. He lacks the nuance to make him feel
like a fleshed out individual whom we can empathise with.
All of this is a real shame given that Rachel Weisz
performance as the titular Rachel is very worthy of praise. She carries such a
sense of mystery and intrigue that her presence alone makes the first act of
the film feel involving. But of course, the movie then puts all of that on hold
to delve into another aspect of the plot instead. Furthermore, as good as Weisz
is, it’s frustrating to never gain any insight into what drives Rachel. It
would not necessarily be impossible to leave her as an enigma for the entirety of
the movie, had Philip been an interesting enough protagonist. But as I already
stated his presence in the movie feels so underdeveloped that there is hardly a
shred of emotional investment to be had. The movie is solidly made, and its
rich cinematography is pleasingly atmospheric, but with so many muddled
elements it simply doesn’t work as a whole.
Competently made on a technical level, but too tonally
confused and underdeveloped to become anything involving or meaningful.
Result: 5/10
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