"This is something much greater than us."
2017 seems to be the year of allegorical stories relating to
the inner turmoil of female characters through movies that appear to be niche
genre pictures on the surface. I know that sounds weirdly specific but when you
consider the fact that we’ve seen a cannibal movie being used as a metaphor for
identity and class, as well as a monster movie telling a story of a woman
struggling with addiction and abuse, it kind of makes sense. The latest one is ‘Thelma’
from director Joachim Trier.
A young Norwegian woman by the name of Thelma (Eili Harboe)
and with a strong religious background moves to Oslo. She soon finds herself
falling in love with another girl, but what’s even more unexpected for her is
that she discovers that her newfound feelings have triggered inexplicable
powers within her.
From what I have seen of Joachim Trier I’m honestly not
really sure what to make of him. ‘Oslo, 31 August’ was a truly fantastic and
layered character study. But then ‘Louder Than Bombs’ was a staggeringly
conventional drama, one that I wouldn’t necessarily say was bad but certainly I’d
struggle to remember anything about. ‘Thelma’ seems to fall somewhere in
between, in that there are certain ideas and moments within it that show an
inkling for a highly interesting movie, only to get bogged down in flat
conventions that not only rob the film of any unique potential it had, but also
hinders the story as a whole.
Putting aside the fact that the concept of a young woman
struggling with oppression and finding herself in possession of telekinetic powers
has been done before in movies like ‘Carrie’ (not to mention using the
protagonists first name as the title, plus ‘Carrie’ is awesome so that hardly
helps), there’s a lot to be desired within ‘Thelma’. Trier does a great job
building mystery and intrigue throughout the first act of the movie, as the
central concept builds up and the immediate dread of pondering what the implications
of these powers might be.
Sadly though, after that the film just falls flat and can’t
sustain itself for the rest of the narrative, at least not in a way that’s
unique or interesting. It takes an unusually clinical approach to the way it
presents its characters and that makes it difficult to feel invested in their
struggles. ‘Thelma’ by its title alone, should work as a character study but it
never establishes a connection to its central character that would invite
interest from the audience. In short, it seems far more interested in its own
broader themes than the intimate parts that would endear us to those themes.
What also stopped me from becoming fully invested in the
movie was how it never established any logical boundaries for Thelma’s powers. I
understand that not everything needs to be explained but it’s difficult to feel
the weight or stakes of a situation when the limits of what the characters can
achieve is never defined. Granted we don’t explanation around the power limits
or reasoning in ‘Carrie’ (not that I was constantly comparing them but I do
feel like De Palma’s film sets a good standard and given the similarities
between the two it’s a fair contrast), but the film’s structure and pacing lent
itself to her abilities escalating towards a climax. In ‘Thelma’ there’s a
constant need to derive tension that feels weightless because the parameters
have never been established.
All of this being said, I can at least comment the movie for
being well made on a technical level. Trier’s direction is aesthetically
pleasing and each shot felt well composed. The cinematography in particular
feels like a good step up from his previous work. It may lack the hypnotic
visual beauty of ‘Oslo, 31 August’ but it does work very well for the mood that
‘Thelma’ seems intent on establishing from its opening few scenes. It’s a style
that’s consistent and interesting but much like the story never seems to evolve
beyond what it initially presents itself as.
The performances are difficult to judge. Trier insists on
keeping the characters so muted that he never really lets his actors move
beyond their basic function. We keep being told of this great energy within Thelma
but Eili Harboe is never given the chance to convey that. I admit there is
something unnerving about the contrast between being told Thelma has this great
power and her monochromatic look that contrasts it. But once again I find
myself wishing the movie would take that concept and develop it in some way.
Without any sense of escalation the movie plays out like a meandering, aimless
waste. It’s pretty to look at but I never felt like I’d gained anything from
going on this journey.
‘Thelma’ is a well constructed film but it never develops
its characters or concept enough to make its ambitious themes feel engaging.
Result: 5/10
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